Leneh's websites:
www.leneh.se (Leneh's official website in swedish)
www.leneh.com (Leneh's official website in english)
www.myspace.com/lenehsingersongwriter (Leneh's official MySpace website)

www.tomasbodin.se Producing, mixing, playing piano, singing and more on Leneh's CD "Här".
www.myspace.com/tomasbodinkeyboard (Look above!) Leneh is singing on Tomas' CD "I am" (2005).
www.myspace.com/eggsanddogs Tomas' (Look above!) band. Leneh is singing on the CD "You are" (2008).
www.myspace.com/johanglossner Plays guitars on "Här".
www.myspace.com/jonasreingold  Plays base on "Här".
www.myspace.com/marcusondrums Plays drums on "Här".
www.tailormaid.se Mastering on "Här" by Peter in de Betou, Tailor Maid.

www.lonnbackafotograferna.se Photographer Karin at Lönnbackafotogaferna has taken the photos for the startpage and more.
www.lonelyarts.com Per Nordin, photographer. CD-booklet for "Här".
(Photos can soon be found in the gallery categorized after the photographers name.)